XAPK Manager

XAPK Manager

XAPK Manager is developed by APKFab and the latest version of XAPK Manager 2.2.2 was updated on Jan 9, 2020. XAPK Manager is in the category of Tools. You can check all apps from the developer of XAPK Manager. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.1+ from APKFab or Google Play. All APK / XAPK files on APKFab.com are original and 100% safe with fast download.

What is .APK and .XAPK File?
What is .APK File?
Android Package (APK) is the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware. APK files are a type of archive file, specifically in zip format-type packages, based on the JAR file format, with .apk as the filename extension.

What is .XAPK File?
XAPK is a standard zip format which contains Android App Bundles, or installation package (.apk), OBB, cache asserts and other data files to make sure the app download to an Android and run successfully. Google Play Store has a limitation on the app file size, therefore for the app over 100MB, developers can use XAPK file format to allow users download the APK file on Android without corruption. There are two types of .XAPK files right now as below shows.

  1. Google Play hosts the expansion files for your app and serves them to the device at no cost to you. The expansion files can be any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.) and they usually contain additional resources required by your app.

To make it simple, XAPK = APK + OBB data + Cache + App Icon and Miscellaneous Info.

  1. The other XAPK file format is made of Android App Bundle to generate and serve optimized APKs for each user’s device configuration. Each APK is a complete and independent version of the app, but they share the same application and package name, and be signed with the same release key. This new upload format of XAPK file allows users to get smaller, more optimized downloads because they download only the code and resources they need to run the app.

How to Install .XAPK File on Android?
Method 1: Use XAPK Manager to install .XAPK file directly
XAPK Manager is a tool to install .XAPK files on Android phone and tablet directly with no more hassle. It helps Android users to manage .apk files and .xapk files in one place. Users can use XAPK Manager to scan .apk files and .xapk files on the Android phone or the sdcard and install them quickly.

Step 1: Download XAPK Manager on your Android phone or tablet.

Step 2: Download .XAPK file on Android phone.

Step 3: Open XAPK Manager, find the .XAPK file on the list, and then click on INSTALL.

Step 4: The .XAPK file will be installed on the Android phone or tablet successfully.

Method 2: Install .XAPK File through File Manager
Step 1: Download the .XAPK file on Android.

Step 2: Locate the .XAPK file and rename the extension to .zip format.

Step 3: Extract the .zip file.

Step 4: Find the .obb file (usually named as “com.xxxxx.obb”) inside the file and copy it into the location: /sdcard/storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/.

Step 5: Install the .apk file and you are ready to run the app on your Android successfully!

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