PokéMesh – Real time map 8.1.0-release APK for Android
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PokéMesh – Real time map 8.1.0 APK file for Android
You are about to download PokéMesh – Real time map 8.1.0-release apk file for android. Choose one location below to download .apk file of pokemesh.
Download PokéMesh – Real time map 8.1.0 for Android below (size : 19.93MB)
Download APK FileWhat’s New
- General bug and crash fixes from 8.0
- Added groups to account manager and advanced scan
- Added timeout to account connection
- Added small information on top of the map when account has being connecting and when they are fully connected
- Added custom step (scan range) selection on advanced scan
- Fix fullscreen ad to close back the main app if running overlay.
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