PokéMesh – Real time map 5.0.0 APK for Android
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PokéMesh – Real time map 5.0.0 APK file for Android
You are about to download latest PokéMesh – Real time map 5.0.0 apk file for android. Choose one location below to download .apk file of pokemesh.
Download PokéMesh – Real time map 5.0.0 APK for Android below (size : 20.49MB)
Download APK FileWhats New
- Fixed a major issue that causes some devices to get stucked at login screen
- Fixed huge alternative icons size with timers disabled
- Improved google login system by directly adding email and password
- Account manager will not require an identifier anymore, instead, the Email address will be displayed
- Fixed an issue that causes account manager to display login failed on all the accounts
- Overlay is now unkillable. When running overlay, a notification will pop. This notification can be used to quickly run back to PokéMesh
- Cleanup drawer menu. FAQ, News and How to are now available on our website
- Many improvements on the overall app.
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