Know how much you spend and what you spend on using Money View’s automatic, SMS based money manager. Create Budgets, get bill reminders, pay bills on the go and view all your bank account balances and credit card outstandings on one screen. Invest and grow your money with just a few taps. Awarded the Best App @ ‘Google for Mobile Apps for 2015’, Money View is trusted by over 5 million users and is the Best, Most Downloaded Money Manager app in India!
◉ What can you do with Money View?
● Track Expenses automatically: Lay back and relax while Money View’s daily expense manager securely tracks your bank SMSes and tells you where and how you spend your money. Analyse your spends using graphs and charts.
● Create Budget: Once you know when, how and what you’re spending money on, set stretch goals for yourself by using the budget planner. Recording and analysing your expenses makes you three times more likely to save as compared to those who don’t.
● See your Financial Summary: Get a bird’s eye view of all your bank accounts/ debit cards/ credit cards on one screen. No need to log into every bank account or browse individual SMSes separately.
● Split Bills with Friends: Create groups and split holiday expenses, restaurant bills, household expenses and more. Money View tallies up all the expenses and gives you a net figure to settle outstandings with your friends.
● Receive Bill Reminders: Never pay a late payment charge again. Money View reminds you when a bill is due. Pay your bill from within the app, using our simple bill pay process.
● File your IT Returns: No need to run around to file your Income Tax Returns. We’ve made the process simple and easy. Just follow the instructions on screen and you’ll be done in 20 minutes or less.
● Make Reimbursements Easy: Click a photo of your bill, enter bill details and claim your bills with ease. Now claiming office reimbursements is easier than ever.
● Investments: Money View is your personal finance advisor. We’ve done all the hard work associated with researching on the right funds to invest in. On the basis of this research, we’ve very carefully chosen two products for you to invest in. Use Money View’s Green Account to multiply your earnings and save on income tax. In association with ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund, we offer you the following Green Account investment options:
▪︎ Savings+ offers high returns and high liquidity, so you can invest and withdraw your money anytime without any penalties whatsoever. Invest as little as Rs. 500 and see it grow.
▪︎ With Tax Saver+, you can save up to Rs. 46,500* in taxes by investing in an ELSS Scheme.
Critical Performance improvement and Bug Fix.
Please download this update to keep using Money View without any issues.
Earth-1.3.10 – Previous Major Release
We’ve been working hard to make your Money View experience more meaningful & delightful. We hope you love the new update.
Update includes:
– New, rich, actionable notifications which replace bank SMSes and make your money managing experience much better than before.
– Brand new, stunning and bright category icons.