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Cookpad APK

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APK : Cookpad

Developer : Cookpad International Ltd.

Version : v

Size : 5.67 MB

Cookpad APK for Android

The best place to find and share original recipes.

Thousands of easy to follow recipes submitted by fellow home cooks like you.
A unique and social cooking environment where people post recipes and pictures. (بالعربي في الاسفل)

After cooking your recipe, other people share the photo of their own attempt and can comment.

Cookpad is the World’s largest homemade recipe-sharing app and is currently available in English, Español, Indonesia, العربية, Việt Nam, ไทย. Choose your preferred language the first time you start the app. When you want to switch languages and explore homemade dishes from other countries, go to settings, log out, choose another language and repeat registration process.

A lot of recipes also note which other recipe on the site inspired the poster to come up with theirs.
This is what makes the site unique – you can follow a complete genealogy of a recipe, and keep on discovering new variations on themes. The recipes themselves don’t need to be anything fancy, and that’s another reason why the site is unique. It gives a look into what real people are making for their families at home.

It’s the best place to share and find recipes.

Easily search for recipes just by saying ingredients you have and discover great dishes!

Start cooking at home!
We have helped many people to live healthier and discover the taste of real food.
Browse the free recipes for inspiration.

Tons of things to choose from; including main dishes, appetizers, drinks, side dishes, desserts, ethnic recipes, soups, stews and diet recipes.

Join the fun recipes community!
Find recipes for cooking what you have at home by typing one or more ingredients.

App Features:
– Complete recipes directions, ingredients and photo reviews.
– Search recipes by food title or ingredients.
– Timeline to see what my friends are cooking and sharing.
– Bookmark recipes for quick access. Just like a cookbook.
– Sharing your recipes to to family and friends via email, Facebook and others.
– Create your own recipes; share with friends and community.

Our app and site has already helped millions of people to:
– Have a more healthy food menu for free.
– Talk with a community of people with the same food tastes.
– Discover new recipes and cook great food. Even if you’re on a diet.
– Impress with great meals.
– Find food that fits their diet, including: diabetic, baby food, vegetarian and gluten free.

App makes it easy to find Holidays recipes. Including Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving with turkey recipes.

Share and search recipes from the synchronized web too! You can access your account from any device.

Contact us at
اذا كنت تبحث عن وصفات سهلة وموثوقة، أو تريد مشاركة خبرتك في الطبخ مع طباخين من حول العالم، هذا التطبيق هو كل ما تبحث عنه!
كوكباد هو أكبر موقع طبخ في العالم وأفضل تطبيق للبحث عن وصفات عربية وعالمية فهناك أكثر من 33 ألف وصفة منزليّة ومنوعة أضافها طبّاخون مثلك. هو أيضاً أفضل تطبيق لمشاركة ابتكاراتك في المطبخ مع أكبر مجتمع طبّاخين عرب.

حمّل تطبيق كوكباد واجعل طبخ كل يوم متعة! استمتع بالميّزات الرائعة التالية:
– أضف وصفاتك الرائعة بسهولة من أيّ جهاز أينما كنت وفي أيّ وقت.
– اطبخ وصوّر وصفات بالخطوات وحمّل صورة بجانب كلّ خطوة.
– جرّب وصفات أحد الطبّاخين وصوّر طبقك النهائي وشارك الصورة معه.
– تابع الطبّاخين المفضّلين لديك. هكذا يمكنك ملاحقة كلّ أخبارهم من وصفات وتعليقات.
– ابحث عن وصفات منزليّة ومنوّعة بالبحث عن اسم الطبق أو المكوّنات.
– احفظ الوصفات التي تعجبك في المفضلة وتصفحها بسهولة في أي وقت.
– ادع العائلة والأصدقاء لمتابعتك وكل وصفاتك الحلوة على كوكباد.

لأي سؤال او اقتراح راسلنا على، فرأيك يهمّنا!

Cookpad Screenshots :



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